Monday, September 12, 2016

Grants.Gov Searching was the grant site I used for searching for potential grants in my topic area, online or distance learning.  Previous searches for either online learning or distance education did not provide a suitable set of results.

After applying the filters on the left of the screen with education agencies, education in general, posted grants, and adding the more specific search of  <online learning and technology> there was a hit called Cyberlearning and Future Technologies, a grant from the National Science Foundation.  This grant closes December 2016 and the monies range from 2,500,000 to 20,000.

The grant itself stated ...
Agency Name:National Science Foundation
Description:The purpose of the Cyberlearning and Future Learning Technologies program is to integrate opportunities offered by emerging technologies with advances in what is known about how people learn to advance three interconnected thrusts: <ul><li>Innovation: inventing and improving next-generation genres (types) of learning technologies, identifying new means of using technology for fostering and assessing learning, and proposing new ways of integrating learning technologies with each other and into learning environments to foster and assess learning; </li><li>Advancing understanding of how people learn in technology-rich learning environments: enhancing understanding of how people learn and how to better foster and assess learning, especially in technology-rich learning environments that offer new opportunities for learning and through data collection and computational modeling of learners and groups of learners that can be done only in such environments; and</li><li>Promoting broad use and transferability of new genres: extracting lessons from experiences with these technologies that can inform design and use of new genres across disciplines, populations, and learning environments; advancing understanding of how to foster learning through effective use these new technologies and the environments they are integrated into. </li></ul>

What I learned: I learned that this particular grant is interested in how people learn using new technologies and the grant states quite plainly that it is NOT interested in innovations that make teaching easier, but rather how best to embed technologies for the user to learn more efficiently.

What I learned about Once I stopped trying to manhandle the database and use the fields and limiters it offered to me, my searching experience improved right away.  
